OIDP Annual Report

Data Request

De-identified results are maintained in aggregate by the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs (“The IPE Office”) and used for campus-wide program evaluation.  Aggregate data can be returned to IPE activity facilitators, program directors, and academic deans following an approved data-request process. To receive additional data sets, please complete this request form.

2023-24 Annual Report

The 2023-24 academic year featured a national award, the start of a new IPE clinic on campus, and growth in our delivery of IPE curricular offerings. The below linked annual report may be shared with stakeholders across campus.

Click here to view the 2023-24 Annual Report PDF


Page one of the 2023-24 report  Page two of the 2023-24 report


How should I cite these reports?

Tabak, K., Seely, S., Robinson, M., Osman, R., & Padron, V. (2024). 2023-2024 Office of Interdisciplinary Programs Impact Report. OU Health Sciences Office of Interdisciplinary Programs. https://ipe.ouhsc.edu/