IEPA Leader & Team Awards


IPE Leader & Team Awards


Award Timeline

February 5: Nomination Form Opens

March 4: Nominations Due

March 15: Nomination Package Due

April 8: Selection Due

April 22-26: Awards Announced

2024 Award Information


The Interprofessional Educators & Practitioners Association (IEPA) seeks to recognize a faculty leader and a team at The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) for their exceptional contributions to interprofessional programming and team collaboration.


  • IEPA Outstanding Leader of the Year Award
  • IEPA Outstanding Team of the Year Award

Award Criteria:

  1. Faculty/Staff member at The University of Oklahoma.
  2. IEPA member (Click here to join.  Team Awards: At least one team member must be an IEPA member.  Membership requires participation in at least one IEPA activity per year.)
  3. Demonstrates leadership in interprofessional development in one or more of the followings:
    • Demonstrates ability to collaborate with multiple professionals in a variety of settings.
    • Promotes interprofessional competencies.
    • Involvement in scholarly work such as submission of abstracts, presentations, reports, or manuscripts, relative to interprofessional education or practice.


Nominations will be submitted by March 4, 2024 at: 

Nominations must include:

  • Nominee’s Name, Title, Department, College, Contact Information.
  • Short statement supporting/justifying the nomination. This statement will be added to the awardee’s certificate and read during the award presentation.
  • Those nominated will receive information from the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs regarding submitting their application package.


Applications will be submitted by March 15, 2024. Applications will be returned by email to

Applications must include:

  1. CV for each person nominated.
  2. A letter of support, may come from the person who submitted the nomination.
  3. Leader of the Year: A one page description of their outstanding accomplishments that may include demonstration of best practices, evaluations/assessments, scholarly works, or other indicators.
  4. Team of the Year: Teams will be asked to respond to the following short questions:
    • Please tell us how you define team.
    • Describe how your team collaborates.
    • Describe how each member contributes to team collaboration.

Award Process:

  1. The IEPA Faculty Development Awards Subcommittee will receive and review each nomination. Nominations will be scored using a rubric. The winner will be decided by the nomination with the most points from the scoring rubric.
  2. The Award will be presented during Unity Appreciation Day during Unity Week, April 22-26. Recipients are eligible to receive a nominal cash award and plaque as funded by the Wisdom Family Foundation.