Get Started with IPE for Faculty

Our IEPA Faculty Development Committee welcomes you to our resource page!  Below you will find information and links to resources preparing our campus community to participate in Interdisciplinary/Interprofessional Education (ID/IPE).

Ready to get involved?

Looking for collaboration?

The OU Health Sciences campus utilizes Profiles Research Networking Software for faculty to find possible collaborators in their area of interest.  This free resource is searchable and easy to navigate.

Who are we?

The IEPA Faculty Development Committee is one of four working groups of the Interprofessional Educators & Practitioners Association (IEPA).  

We are an open-invitation group of faculty, staff, and students from across campus committed to the engagement and promotion of campus-wide ID/IPE.

What is ID/IPE?

Interdisciplinary/Interprofessional Education (ID/IPE) occurs when two or more professions including the individual and family partner together as a team to learn about, from and with each other to effectively collaborate, investigate scientific endeavors, increase quality of care, and improve health outcomes. 

What does the literature say?

There is a variety of reference materials available regarding the need for ID/IPE.  We recommend including the IOM reports, IPEC Core Competencies, and WHO Framework for Action in your initial review.

Why is ID/IPE Important?

It is important because research has demonstrated that a key element to achieve the quadruple aim in healthcare is collaboration. This has been shown to reduce medical errors, improve quality of care and meet the needs of community populations. It will also lead to higher job satisfaction and health of team members.

Learn about our Curriculum!

At the heart of our IEPA is our program delivery to ID/IPE learners at the University of Oklahoma.  Our IEPA Curriculum team has prepared a two-year curricular plan to provide a menu of programmatic offerings to students across programs.  This includes didactic introduction to the IPEC Core Competencies, Simulation and Clinical options, Electives, and an upcoming Synthesis component. 

Ready to learn more?

Below are a few resources to "Get Started" in ID/IPE.

  1. - This is a fantastic resource created by faculty at The University of Oklahoma and offers free didactic introduction to the basic concepts of interprofessional collaboration.  
  2. - Quality improvement is a benchmark of ID/IPE programming.  This site provides free modules in many relevant quality improvement initiatives. 
  3. - IPEC, the national Interprofessional Education Collaborative, provides our framework by which all institutions pursue interprofessional programming.  Of particular note will be the 2011, 2016, and 2023 Updated Core Competencies.
  4. - Nexus is our national repository for all things IPE.  From articles to tools and presentations, you can find resources and ways to explore IPE at the national level.