Unity Week Student-led Poster Hall

April is recognized as Interprofessional Education month across the nation. As a method to observe this, University of Oklahoma Health participates in Unity Week. During this week we highlight and celebrate our IPE activities and programs across campus.  

Undergraduate students, graduate students, professional students, certificate participants, and residents are invited to participate in the Unity Week Poster Hall organized by the Interdisciplinary Student Council. This is an exciting opportunity for learners and residents to showcase their research. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or a professional from any field, you are welcome to participate in this event. 

To enter the poster hall, you will need to bring a research poster that highlights your work. Your poster should include an introduction to your research topic, a clear and concise explanation of your methods and findings, and a conclusion that summarizes the implications of your research. Make sure to use graphics and images to make your poster visually appealing and easy to understand. This can be a poster you have submitted to a previous or future conference.

Participating in the Unity Week Poster Hall is an opportunity to showcase your work, practice presenting research, receive feedback and questions, as well as promote unity and understanding across a multitude of health care fields of study. We look forward to seeing your posters and learning from your research!

Poster Hall Timeline

  • March 14: Poster Application Opens
    • Applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • March 28: Poster Application Deadline
    • No submissions past this date
  • March 31: All Submissions Notified of Submission Status
  • April 9: Digital Poster Submission Due
    • NEW FOR 2025: Our office is unfortunately NOT able to print the posters for the in-person presentation.
    • If you will be presenting in person, you will have to bring your own printed poster on the 22nd.
  • April 22: Unity Week Poster Hall Event
    • Posters will be available on the IPE website
    • In-person poster hall will be held in the evening in Nicholson Tower after the Unity Appreciation Day Awards

Poster Hall Format

  • The poster hall will be held on Tuesday, April 22nd in Nicholson Tower, 5:30-6:30pm.
  • On the day of the poster hall, all accepted posters will be viewable on the IPE website in a PDF format as well as in-person in Nicholson Tower.
    • Posters can still be accepted if presenters are unable to attend the in-person event.
  • Faculty judges from the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association will provide feedback and evaluate qualifying posters in advance based on criteria such as clarity, organization, creativity, and impact. Awards will be given to top posters.