The Academy of Teaching Scholars (ATS) is a service organization comprised of a select group of faculty who are passionate about medical education. Once accepted into the ATS, members are expected to provide service to the education mission of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center College of Medicine by supporting ATS activities and initiatives.
The mission is to nurture, recognize, and reward teaching excellence, evidence-based instruction, and scholarship in teaching and learning through faculty development, advocacy, collaboration, and innovation.
The ATS offers faculty development lectures and workshops year round. The development opportunities are open to all faulty across our campuses. The current calendar can be found here.
Click here to learn more about the Academy of Teaching Scholars
The Center for Learning and Leadership is Oklahoma's federally designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). The Center serves as the liaison between academic expertise and institutions of higher learning and service delivery systems to positively affect the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. The Director of the Center is Dr. Valerie N. Williams, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & Faculty Development (pictured).
Click here to learn more about The Center
Section on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
The mission of the Section of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics (DBP) is to provide premier state and national leadership to maximize the development and well-being of children through integrated specialized centers providing interdisciplinary expertise in clinical services, research, training, advocacy, and community support that is family-centered, evidence-based, and culturally effective. The DBP Section is comprised of multiple centers working together to achieve its mission. These centers include the Child Study Center, Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, Biomedical and Behavioral Methodology Core, Oklahoma Autism Center, Sooner SUCCESS Care Navigation & Coordination Program, National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth, Indian Country Child Trauma Center, Oklahoma Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy Program, the Oklahoma Parent Child Interaction Therapy Program and a Center on Adversity and Resilience.
Click here to learn more about the Section on Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics

Interdisciplinary Training Program on Child Abuse and Neglect (ITP)
The Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (CCAN) at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center offers a two-semester Interdisciplinary Training Program in Child Abuse and Neglect for advanced students in medicine, dentistry, psychology, law, social work, education, public health, nursing, and related disciplines. Established in 1987, the ITP provides specialized training in child advocacy, research, and administration in the field of child abuse and neglect. Over 500 US students and 7 international students have participated in the ITP program. The program is currently directed by Tricia D. Gardner, JD (pictured).
Click here to learn more about the Interdisciplinary Training Program
Harold Hamm Diabetes Center (HHDC) serves as Oklahoma’s focal point for fighting the diabetes epidemic. Research, patient care, education and prevention are all required to address diabetes in a comprehensive manner. The Center was established by the University of Oklahoma in the College of Medicine with the goal of promoting the well-being of all people with or at high risk for diabetes in Oklahoma regardless of ethnic background or financial status.” The HHDC new Director, Dr. Jacob (Jed) Friedman joined in 2019, with an emphasis on building research and clinical-translational team science. Our interdisciplinary teams are currently focusing on parents and families at risk for diabetes, with an emphasis on the first 1000 days of life. Other areas of focus include nutrition and the human microbiome, obesity and prevention and treatment of diabetic complications.
Click here to learn more about the Harold Hamm Diabetes Center
An interdisciplinary leadership education program funded by the U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau. It is centered on the evidence-based principles of family centered services, interdisciplinary teaming, cultural competence, and comprehensive practices. The Program is currently directed by Megan K. Roberts, PT, D.Sc., PCS (pictured).
Click here to learn more about Oklahoma LEND
Funded by a $20.3M grant, the OSCTR aims to improve health by catalyzing clinical and translational research into top health priorities and health disparities. To do this, the OSCTR provides training and research cores for junior investigators, expands opportunities for communities to participate in research, creates pathways to disseminate research findings to the clinic, and unites health professionals, community partners, and scientific resources across the state with a focus on research.
Click here to learn more about OSCTR
The OUHSC Faculty Leadership Program (FLP) is a longitudinal series of highly interactive, small group seminars led by faculty and administrators designed to give colleagues an insider's view of the academic health center. The scope and complexity of faculty roles at a contemporary Academic Health Center are demanding. The FLP affords faculty a structured approach for acquiring and applying new knowledge and skills and for refining existing competencies and expertise for academic leadership and success.
Click here to learn more about OUHSC Faculty Leadership Program
The OU-Tulsa Bedlam Clinic is a long-standing and successful multi-professional clinic that delivers acute and primary care services to uninsured patients, offers interprofessional briefings between students from medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and social work.
Click here to learn more about OU-Tulsa Bedlam Clinic
The Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Program is a two-semester program (4 total hours) within the Graduate College that is designed for graduate students and postdoctoral research fellows interested in acquiring the basic theory and skills necessary to be an effective communicator and educator. Preparing Future Faculty students will prepare teaching portfolio and gain mentored teaching experiences as well as developing a personal teaching philosophy.
Click here to learn more about PFF
Members of the Cancer Center include faculty from OU Health Sciences, OU Norman, OU Tulsa, Oklahoma State University and the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. These faculty conduct innovative and nationally-funded cancer research in the basic, clinical and population sciences. Regardless of discipline or home institution, all members of the Cancer Center share a common goal: reducing the morbidity and mortality caused by cancer in Oklahoma and beyond.
Click here to learn more about the Peggy and Charles Stephenson Cancer Center