2024-2025 Curriculum

Curriculum Highlights

  • 2-Year transformative curriculum targeting early-career learners
  • Course credit is built within individual degree requirements or approved courses
  • Minimum core experiences that can be easily supplemented by departmental coursework
  • Competency driven objectives premised in interprofessional methodology and the IPEC Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice
  • Online, live, simulation and clinical learning experiences
  • Foundation to develop and expand offerings in the future


IPE 1: Introduction to Interprofessional Education

Prerequisites: Enrollment by College/Department

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association.

Description: A series of two, first-year independent didactic courses introducing the IPEC Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice using online modules and group discussions regarding case studies.  Must be completed as prerequisite to All Professions Day 1.  IPE Core Course.

Course Component: Lecture

Delivery method: Online, 4 clock hrs.

IPE 2: Interprofessional Grand Rounds

Prerequisites: Self-Registration                                                                                                

Proposal from Interdisciplinary Student Council in collaboration with OUHSC Office of Student Affairs.

Description: The Interdisciplinary Grand Rounds is a seminar discussion presenting content applicable to the campus-community regarding team-based treatment approach as developed and implemented by students with direction from faculty advisors and/or content experts.

Course Component: Peer Discussion Groups

Delivery method: Online, 2 clock hrs.

IPE 3: All Professions Day 1

Prerequisites: IPE 1, or permission of instructor       

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association.                                                                  

Description: A series of two interprofessional educational sessions will engage students in education related to the IPEC competencies of: roles and responsibilities, and communication.   Students will be assigned to an interprofessional student team and will participate in a variety of learning activities under the guidance of a trained faculty facilitator.  IPE Core Course.

Course Component: Lecture

Delivery method: Online, 2 clock hrs.

IPE 4: All Professions Day 2

Prerequisites: IPE 1, IPE 3, or permission of instructor   

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association.                                                            

Description: A series of two interprofessional educational sessions will engage students in education related to the IPEC competencies of: teams and teamwork, and values and ethics.  Students will be assigned to an interprofessional student team and will participate in a variety of learning activities under the guidance of a trained faculty facilitator.  IPE Core Course.

Course Component: Lecture

Delivery method: Online, 2 clock hrs.

IPE 5: Unity in Health Symposium

Prerequisites: Self-Registration                                                                                                  

Student-led initiative hosted by HSC Student Affairs.

Description: Moderated panel featuring the experiences of students from each college. Engages students in introductory-level conversations exploring the various communities represented in the student population. Compliments APD programming by expanding on the roles of different communities in team composition, respect for others. May include supplementary student-led conversation groups following the event. Unity Track.

Course Component: Peer Discussion Groups

Delivery method: Online, 2 clock hrs.

IPE 6: OUHSC Student Training Preparing for COVID-19 Volunteer Activities

Prerequisites: IPE 3, IPE 4, or Self-Registration  

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association.                                                                      

Description: This online, asynchronous education intended to provide baseline knowledge for the OUHSC student community regarding COVID-19, the role of health professionals and students regarding responses to viral outbreaks.

Course Component: Lecture

Delivery method: Online, 1 clock hr.

IPE 7: Introduction to Team-Based Telehealth

Prerequisites: IPE 1, IPE 3, IPE 4, or permission of instructor     

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association.                                  

Description: An online didactic course intended for asynchronous education to provide baseline knowledge regarding best practices of participating in team-based telehealth delivery of care. Course must be successfully completed prior to enrollment in virtual telehealth simulations or telehealth clinical experiences. Telehealth track.

Course Component: Lecture

Delivery method: Online, 2 clock hrs.

This content is available for self-enrollment in canvas: https://canvas.ou.edu/enroll/9T6JC9.

IPE 8: Inter-departmental Collaborative Coursework

Prerequisites: IPE 2, IPE 3, IPE 4, IPE 5, or permission of instructor                                          

Description: Provide additional depth to topics introduced at Unity in Health by utilizing content delivered to the campus community. Content will include a menu of options offered each semester focused on developing a deeper understanding of communities and patient backgrounds, and evidence-based practices around care of populations. Unity track.

Course Component: Lecture

Delivery method: Online, clock hrs. TBD

Service Learning

IPE 9: Big Event

Prerequisites: IPE 2, IPE 3, IPE 4, IPE 5, IPE 6, or permission of instructor                        

Student-led event hosted by HSC Student Affairs.  

Description: Experiential learning with focus on community as team-member.  Hands-on service learning with community agencies.  Will provide an opportunity for interprofessional student teams to engage in non-health team-building while still engaging with the community. Unity track.

Course Component: Service Learning

Delivery method: In Person, 2 clock hrs.


IPE 10: Interprofessional Simulation Experience

Prerequisites: IPE 1, 2, 3, 4                                                                                                                              

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association. 

Description: As part of the core experience, learners will complete a series of two simulation courses providing hands-on, interprofessional team experience in a simulated environment to foster academic investigation of interprofessional issues.  Participants will complete a recorded simulation using a standardized patient, followed by a self-reflective paper. Case study topic may vary by semester and section number.  The course will begin in the fall and complete in the spring semesters.  Course may be repeated.   IPE Core Course.

Course Components:  Didactic and Laboratory/Simulation

Delivery method: Varies, 4 clock hrs. each, 8 total

IPE 11: Community-Informed Simulations

Prerequisites: IPE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8      

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association.                                                                                                                             

Description: Hands-on team-delivery of care simulation with a community member/agency included as team member for both curricular development and delivery. Self-Advocate/Family-Advocate as Medical Educator (SAME/FAME) model can assist in methodology for community engagement. Various simulations may be offered, each focused on a different community. Examples of communities for engagement:  developmental disabilities, 2SLGBTQ+, cultural/ethnic, socioeconomic, or specific health populations.  Unity track.

Course Components:  Didactic and Laboratory/Simulation

Delivery method: Varies, 4 clock hrs. each

Current simulations include Self-Advocate/Family-Advocate as Medical Educator (focus on intellectual/developmental disabilities), 2SLGBTQ+, and Weight Bias

IPE 12: SAME/FAME: Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Exposure

Prerequisites: IPE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8      

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association in collaboration with the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD).                                                                                                                             

Description: Community as team-member.  Hands-on team-delivery of care simulation with a community member/agency included as team member for both curricular development and delivery. Self-Advocate/Family-Advocate as Medical Educator (SAME/FAME) model can assist in methodology for community engagement. Unity track.

Course Components:  Didactic and Laboratory/Simulation

Delivery method: Varies, 4 clock hrs. each

IPE 13: 2SLGBTQ+ Patient Population Exposure

Prerequisites: IPE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8      

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association.                                                                                                                             

Description: Community as team-member.  Hands-on team-delivery of care simulation with a community member/agency included as team member for both curricular development and delivery. Curricular focus is on best practices for team-based care and team communication. Unity track.

Course Components:  Didactic and Laboratory/Simulation

Delivery method: Varies, 4 clock hrs. each

IPE 14: Palliative Care/Breaking Bad News Team Communication

Prerequisites: IPE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8      

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association                                                                                                                              

Description: Difficult situations, and difficult conversations, require certain patient/family-centered communication techniques.  This simulation will allow learners a chance to practice team communication skills while exploring scenarios unique to delivery bad news following a health crisis. The goal of this project is to help students engage in difficult conversations with patients in a team setting to prepare health professions students to be collaborative and patient-centered when delivering team-based care to the community.

Course Components:  Didactic and Laboratory/Simulation

Delivery method: Varies, 4 clock hrs. each

IPE 15: Trauma Simulation Exposure to Continuity of Care for Team Members

Prerequisites: IPE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8      

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association.                                                                                                                             

Description: A unique simulation experience offered through the Aspiring Health Science Professionals Academy (AHSPA) summer programs. Learners provide team-based assessment, interview, observation, and communication with a patient in a variety of situations occurring during and following a physical-trauma event. Scenarios include emergency treatment in a trauma bay, post-op care, rehabilitation, discharge, and/or community primary care follow-up. 

Course Components:  Didactic and Laboratory/Simulation

Delivery method: Varies, 4 clock hrs. each

IPE 16: Poverty Simulation (Virtual)

Prerequisites: IPE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8      

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association.                                                                                                                             

Description: According to 2019 Census Bureau data, at least one in seven Oklahomans were living below the poverty line. Join us as we learn what it’s like to try to live a month at or below the poverty line. We will discuss what that means for providers and how to deliver team-based, patient-centered care for one of Oklahoma’s most vulnerable populations. 

Course Components:  Didactic and Laboratory/Simulation

Delivery method: Varies, 4 clock hrs. each

IPE 17: Social Determinants of Health & Health Literacy Simulation

Prerequisites: IPE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8      

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association in collaboration with OU Health.                                                                                                                         

Description: This project is aimed at reducing readmission rates for patients with Sepsis as well as teaching students how to effectively address the social determinants of health in a health literate way. Many times, the care that we give the patient is above their level of understanding – through this simulation and hospital experience working with Sepsis patients, it is our goal to cultivate effective healthcare communicators! Students will have the opportunity to work in an interprofessional team consisting of nursing, medicine, social work, PT/OT, pharmacy, and nutrition. Through simulations and hospital experience, students will employ social determinants of health and health literacy screenings to help identify potential barriers in patient care. Upon identification, students will be trained to effectively communicate those barriers to ensure the patient understands how to overcome them upon discharge.

Course Components:  Didactic and Laboratory/Simulation

Delivery method: Varies, 4 clock hrs. each


IPE 19: Interprofessional Clinical Experience: Unity Clinic Primary Care

Prerequisites: IPE 1, 3, 4, 10 , or permission of instructor                                                                           

Coursework hosted by the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs. 

Description: This course will provide hands-on, direct-patient care experience to students performing in an interprofessional team facilitated by a faculty team leader and supervised by a medical attending and/or respective specialists.  The program will specifically focus on the IPEC competencies among health professionals as an important aspect to the delivery of high-quality patient care.  Coursework includes asynchronous didactic material made available on Canvas, just in time onboarding at clinic site and multiple, four-hour clinical sessions over both the fall, spring, and summer semesters. IPE Core.

Course Components: Lecture, Simulation, Clinical

Delivery method: Clinical and/or telehealth, 4 hour minimum

IPE 20: Interprofessional Clinical Experience: Unity Clinic(s) Community Outreach 

Prerequisites: IPE 1, 3, 4, 10 , or permission of instructor                                                     

Student-led initiative hosted by the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs.

Description: Student-led, interprofessional clinic providing team-based care to the community, in the community, with the community. Focused on communities near/around OUHSC, throughout Oklahoma. As the model expands, additional agencies/locations/communities are sought.  May include a variety of settings including vaccine clinics, school-based outreach, faith-based outreach partnership, community agencies, city/county/state health departments, food resource centers, or other spaces where health outreach occurs within communities. Learning objectives are tied to the core Unity Clinic experience focused on the IPEC Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Care. Unity track.

Course Components: Lecture, Clinical

Delivery method: Clinical and/or telehealth, 2 Hours Minimum

IPE 21: Interprofessional Elective      

Prerequisites: Varies, or permission of instructor                                                           

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association in collaboration with campus partners

Description: This course, when offered, will provide didactic, simulation, and/or hands-on clinical experience to provide qualified students an opportunity to pursue academic investigation of interprofessional issues.  Topic, quantity, and variety of offerings will vary by semester and section number.   Course offerings may be sponsored by individual colleges or departments.  Course may be repeated. Current activities include the Graduate College Professional Development Series, the Reproductive Health Symposium, and the annual Bridges to Access Conference.

Course Components: Varies

Delivery method: Varies, 2 clock hrs.

IPE 22: Interprofessional Synthesis Experience

Prerequisites: IPE 1, 3, 4, 10, 18, or permission of instructor                                                                    

Coursework hosted by the Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association. 

Description: This synthesis course explores concepts necessary for the professional practitioner to evaluate interprofessional concepts in the changing health care environment. The application of research to the clinical environment will be emphasized. Student teams will work with a faculty facilitator who will co-author any presentations. IPE Core Course. Current offerings include the GREAT Symposium, GREAT Debate, and the OUHSC IPE Symposium.

Course Components: Varies

Delivery method: Varies, 4 clock hrs.

Interprofessional Transcript Notation

To provide a mechanism for recognition upon completion of a substantial portion of the interdisciplinary coursework, students will be eligible to earn transcript notation. The requirements to receive the notation vary by program.



Min IPE Hours 

(any approved IPE content)

Min Shifts/Experiences (simulation or clinic specifically)


Allied Health




Allied Health


2 IPE experiences


Allied Health


3 IPE experiences

Nutritional Sciences

Allied Health



Speech Pathology

Allied Health




Allied Health












Public Health





6 in Dental clinic
4 in IPE primary care

2 in IPE primary care



6 in Dental clinic

1 observation with IPE clinical teams and dental assessment





Nursing All programs 16 Contact Program




2 clinic shifts

Social Work

Zarrow School of Social Work




Graduate College



Eligible to earn:

  • Academic transcript notation “Interprofessional Education – Completed”
  • Cords for use with graduation regalia
    • The blue and purple IPE cords can be purchased at the Graduation Gear-Up events in the spring and at the Jostens store in Norman at the Sooner Shop on the west side of the stadium. 

      Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium
      1185 Asp Avenue
      Norman, OK 73069

Learner participation will be tracked by the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs and reported to learner's enrolled college at the end of the spring semester. Questions can be sent to the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs at OUHSC-IPE@ouhsc.edu.

College-Led IPE Curriculum

Many of our Colleges and Departments lead interprofessional coursework in addition to our campus-wide offerings. Below is a list of examples from across OUHSC.

See the OUHSC Course Catalog for additional details.


OCTH/PHTH 9391 Interprofessional Case Management

Prerequisites: By instructor permission. Cross-Listed: PHTH 9391 Students learn from and with other professions by participating in interprofessional small groups facilitated by faculty members. Students examine the complex medical, environmental, and societal issues associated with a multi-part clinical scenario and review current literature related to points addressed in small group discussions. (Fall II)


INDT 9407 Fourth Year Selective

Students will be taught via didactics, readings, and direct patient care experiences. They will perform as members of an interprofessional team, facilitated by a faculty team leader and supervised by a qualified faculty attending. The program will focus on IPEC competencies as a basis for delivering high-quality patient care. Teams will follow a student-led operational approach designed by the “Unity Clinic” leadership team.


NS 7113 Interprofessional Nutrition Care and NS 7103 Applied Pediatric Nutrition

12 credit hour online program designed for health care professionals. This program provides evidence-based nutrition education for health professionals and teaches practical and clinically applicable skills while maintaining scope of practice.

Participation is up to each program's discretion with the exception of All Professions Day 1&2.

Course credit is built within individual University of Oklahoma degree requirements or approved courses. Application of credit and attendance requirements are determined by each participating program.

Interdisciplinary offerings are built around the IPEC Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice using a curricular framework adopted in Summer 2018. 

Coursework is evaluated using the Annual Evaluation Plan